Our school logo: "Mol an Óige" - "Praise the youth and they'll succeed"
Situated at the foot of the Glandore estuary and only a short drive from Skibbereen, Union Hall and Rosscarbery, Leap
National School has one of the most picturesque school grounds in West Cork, with a beautiful wooded area to the rear of
the building and ample playing facilities to the front and side.
National School has one of the most picturesque school grounds in West Cork, with a beautiful wooded area to the rear of
the building and ample playing facilities to the front and side.
About Us

The school was opened in 1985. It is a modern
building with excellent facilities, including four
spacious, well equipped classrooms and a large
general-purpose hall. Outside there are three
tarmacked playing areas as well as a grassed area
to the side of the school. To the rear of the school is
a hilly area and a beautiful wooded area, which lends
itself very well to nature study lessons.
The school aims to provide the best possible
education for each child in a safe, secure, happy
environment. We strive to develop every aspect of
the child, including their social, emotional, spiritual
and educational development. It is a two-teacher
school. There are forty-five pupils at present. There
is one part time resource teacher. The curriculum of
the school consists of Irish, English, Mathematics,
Religion, Geography, History, Science and
Environmental Studies, Music, Art & Craft, Drama
and Physical Education.
Our school logo is “Mol an óige “ which means praise the young. This translation comes from the old Irish proverb “praise
the youth and they’ll succeed.”
Click on the links below to find out more about our History, Ethos and Facilities.
History & Ethos
building with excellent facilities, including four
spacious, well equipped classrooms and a large
general-purpose hall. Outside there are three
tarmacked playing areas as well as a grassed area
to the side of the school. To the rear of the school is
a hilly area and a beautiful wooded area, which lends
itself very well to nature study lessons.
The school aims to provide the best possible
education for each child in a safe, secure, happy
environment. We strive to develop every aspect of
the child, including their social, emotional, spiritual
and educational development. It is a two-teacher
school. There are forty-five pupils at present. There
is one part time resource teacher. The curriculum of
the school consists of Irish, English, Mathematics,
Religion, Geography, History, Science and
Environmental Studies, Music, Art & Craft, Drama
and Physical Education.
Our school logo is “Mol an óige “ which means praise the young. This translation comes from the old Irish proverb “praise
the youth and they’ll succeed.”
Click on the links below to find out more about our History, Ethos and Facilities.
History & Ethos